SSA Seeking A Virtual Assistant

Sep 7, 2018 / Amanda Chase, Horsesmouth Assistant Editor

In a recent solicitation, the Social Security Administration said it is looking for virtual assistant customer service support software that incorporates artificial intelligence and machine learning to allow for conversational interactions with clients and deliver a better self-service experience.

Every day 10,000 U.S. residents turn 65, and by 2030, one in five U.S. residents will be retirement age, according to the Census Bureau. Most will want to talk to someone at the Social Security Administration.

To start, SSA wants to use the virtual assistant with the Benefit Eligibility Center within the my Social Security portal to help applicants understand their options regarding the best month to file for retirement. Through conversational interactions, the virtual assistant would help online retirement applicants understand their options. SSA said it does not plan to develop new software for the virtual assistant, and instead wants to procure an enterprise solution that has been successfully deployed by multiple organizations for at least three years.

The system must “remember user and human agent actions and the context of conversations so it can participate in multiple and complex conversation flows and leverage captured information to refine future responses to other users.”

You can find the article at


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